The first book in my Nick Janzek Charleston Mysteries is now available as an audiobook.

Killing Time in Charleston introduces Nick Janzek, a charismatic cop with a dark, tragic past, and his sidekick, Delvin Rhett, who fancies himself a fast-talking Eddie Murphy type but reminds most of a geeky Steve Urkel. Together they go after a ruthless psychotic who seems to have the goods on half of Charleston’s old guard elite.

Click her to start listening to Killing Time in Charleston on Amazon Audible

SYNOPSIS: Nick Janzek is a Boston cop with a dark, tragic past. Dark because of his father’s ties with Whitey Bulger.

Tragic because of what happened to his wife.

But now he’s starting over in Charleston. No brutal winters. No bullying despot of a boss. No staring down at stiffs on the mean streets of Beantown.

As he drives into Charleston behind the wheel of a U-Haul, taking in the sweet smells of Confederate Jasmine and gardenias, he gets a call. And before he can even unpack, he’s got a murder on his hands.

A murder that could change the entire face of Charleston.

Click her to start listening to Killing Time in Charleston on Amazon Audible